Monday, 14 March 2016

It Was Never A Dress

As women we often feel “common” in our talents and worth, when in truth, we really ALL have superpowers just waiting to be revealed. 

Our ultimate goal for the Women Economic Forum is to shift the perceptions and assumptions we have about women and about ourselves. At the forum, we seek to empower ALL women, story by story, heart to heart and hand to hand.

Every time a woman shares a story of triumph over challenge, listens with an open heart or lends a hand connecting a woman to better economic gain she is wearing her cape of empowerment and in turn reveals the cape that has been there all along in another.

A new generation of superhero’s will be born at the Women Economic Forum…come and be a part of the unveiling of the many superpower capes of women’s economic empowerment. Visit our website for more information

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